Art Tips...
On this page are all of Carol Worthey's art tips in one place! To read a "tip", just click on the desired link.
All Available Art Tips
1. | "Why Learn to Draw?" |
2. | "Is It Really Possible to Learn How to Draw?" |
3. | "What Life Skills Does Drawing Develop?" |
4. | "What Are The Life Benefits of Developing Keen Observation?" |
5. | "Will Accurate Drawing Kill Imagination?" |
6. | "Seeing in A New Way" |
7. | "What About Mechanical and Motor Skills?" |
8. | "How Does Drawing Develops Confidence?" |
9. | "Are You Allowing Yourself Enough FUN?" |
10. | "Self-Expression" |
11. | "Travel and Income Possibilities" |
12. | "What Basic Drawing Materials Do You Need?" |
13. | "What Do I Carol Use and Recommend?" |
14. | "What Time of Day and Compass Direction of Light Work Best?" |
15. | "How Should I Start? What Should I Draw First?" |
16. | "Determining What Is The Shape of The Object" |
17. | "How Far Away Should You Be from The Object You Draw?" |
18. | "Beginning The Drawing Process Itself" |
19. | "How Do You Coordinate Your Eye with Your Arm and Hand?" |
20. | "Filling-in The Details after The Shapes Are Laid Down" |