Carol Worthey

Lyricism, Drama, Passion and Beauty

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Carol Worthey Events 2012


"Some major events of 2012. Don't forget
 you can peruse the Event Archive for prior years
 by clicking on the links in the sidebar."


2012 Events Archive Table

     "Sandcastles in Beverly Hills?! Yes, indeed!"
     "The Trees Speak and Carol Listens!"
     "Concert Pianist Tours Cities throughout China!"
     "Seven New Works Sizzle"
     "Double-Premieres with Fabulous Helen Lin in Beijing!"
     "Gypsy Magic Born"
     "Bass Clarinet World-Premiere — No Kazoos Allowed!"
     "'The River' flows Straight into Hong Kong City Hall!"
     "Filling the world with song: 'A Simple Ditty' World-Premiered in Manhattan!"
     "Carol and Ray thrill to Violinist Xika Huang's Graduation Recital"
     "VIDEO: Spanish premieres in Alicante"
     "On International Woman's Day Carol's Music at Last Arrives in Spain!"
     "Carol Captivates A Flute Society, but They Don't Mind Being 'Captured'!"
     "A Choral Taste of LA"
     "Happy New Year!"

Using the Events page:

To view an event, simply click on the title text from the Table of Contents below. Doing so will take you to a description of the event and associated images. Clicking on the image will present a higher resolution version, clicking again restores the original image. At the bottom right of each detailed description, you will find a "top" link that will move you to the top-of-page and a "toc" (or table-of-contents) link that will move you there. Happy viewing!


Alice Pero, Flute / Carol Worthey, Composer / Alina Soliman, Oboe / Simona Seres, Bassoon
Woodwind quintet
 Gregory Cherninsky, Director and Founder / Carol Worthey, Composer

Sandcastles in Beverly Hills?! Yes, indeed!

World Premieres are special moments for composers, but when a work receives multiple performances by different soloists or groups, that is a sign that the work will continue to have life, that performers and listeners will be drawn to it well into the future. Premieres may be the Main Course... but multiple performances are Dessert! Carol Worthey is proud to say that "Sandcastles" for Flute, Oboe & Bassoon is such a work.

Saturday August 11th, 2012 at the Beverly Hills International Music Festival "Sandcastles" brought ocean breezes, sea shells and sandcastles to Beverly Hills! Alice Pero , flute, Amina Soliman , oboe and Simona Seres , bassoon delighted the audience with their warm fluid tone, sensitive phrasing and attention to nuance. The entire Participants Concert highlighted remarkable emerging talents that bode very well for the future of classical music!

"Sandcastles" was originally commissioned in 2009 by Flutist Dawn Weiss and given a brilliant world-premiere by the Weiss Family Woodwinds ( Dawn Weiss , David Weiss , retired Principal Oboist of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, and Abe Weiss , Principal Bassoonist with the Rochester Symphony). The family trio went on to record it on their Weiss Family CD on Crystal Records. All three siblings had been raised by the ocean — David still surfs — and so the programmatic work was especially designed by the composer to tell the story of three children (each with a theme based on the letters in his or her name) who dream of building a sandcastle, and go about playfully making it, mud dripping from young fingers. However, as expected, the ocean waves wash the sandcastle away. Still, the family remains, standing strong! A year after the world-premiere "3 By The C" woodwind trio gave it 3 performances, most notably at the International Double Reed Society convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. The performance in Beverly Hills marks the sixth performance and the third such group to perform the work. The composer thinks that we are all children-of-the-heart and so "Sandcastles" seems to tell its story well. Long may this piece bring joy to performers and audiences alike!

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Worthey: 'Tree Rings - Redwoods' Score Cover
Worthey: 'Redwoods' Poem
Worthey: 'Redwoods in the Fog'

The Trees Speak and Carol Listens!


     Trees have been our silent witnesses throughout the centuries. They have persevered through mankind's triumphs and tragedies, they have seen both the cruelties of war and our grandest creations. From earliest childhood our Composer-Artist has sensed the quivering aliveness of trees and has asked herself, "What would trees say to us if they could speak?" Imagine her goosebumps when Carol at long last heard the trees "speak"!

     What does this mean, to hear the trees "speak"? In early June 2012 a friend sent Carol Worthey a video of an invention by a German artist ( Bartholomaus Traubeck ) in which a tree-slice is placed on a spinning turntable. As the tree rings circle round and round, a lazer-beam on the turntable's "needle" triggers sounds which are translated into piano sonorities. What an outcry — passionate, evocative — sometimes random, but always returning to a chord, C minor ( C-Eb-G with touches of Ab every now and then) as the dark knot in the tree slice comes in contact with the needle. Hearing this was a revelation, and Carol ran to her piano and began to improvise, weaving adventurous harmonies spinning out from this "home" chord into new vistas but always coming back, like the revolving rings on the turntable.

     Thus began the composing process which culminated in Carol Worthey 's new String Quartet "Tree-Rings: Circles of The Centuries." The first movement "Redwoods" is the song Carol Worthey imagines Redwoods would sing, the ancient and wise stories they would tell us if only they could speak. The music is in turns majestic, triumphant, serene, impassive, resigned and deeply sorrowful, but always returning to the noble outcry of the C minor chord. Carol considers this to be one of her most powerful and poignant compositions to date and welcomes inquiries from String Quartets as to performance. She will be announcing the World-Premiere as soon as details are in place. For this special piece, Carol has created a watercolor for the cover, "Redwoods in The Fog".

     Since it is one of Carol Worthey 's signatures to synthesize music, visual images and words into a unity, Carol has included in the frontispiece of the "Redwoods" score a poem she wrote in 2009, when she was seeking an answer to the question, "What would trees say to us if they could speak?" Click the thumbnail to enlarge and view Carol Worthey 's poem "Redwoods":

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Helen at the elegant entrance to Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing
Helen Lin at Seven-Star Rocks, China -- what a gorgeous and historic place!
Helen in front of her Concert banner -- the colors sizzle!
Helen in front of a beautiful Chinese Gate, Mount Tai-shan, China

Concert Pianist Tours Cities throughout China!

Plays Carol's Music

     June 1st, 2012 Concert Pianist Helen Lin was back in the United States from her extensive and very successful tour throughout China: Beijing, Jinan, TaiAn, Weifang, Chingzhou, ZiBuo, Zhou Village, Shenzhen, and Zhaoching, where she gave concerts and master classes at conservatories and universities to enthusiastic audiences and aspiring pianists. The tour began on May 7th, 2012 at renowned Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing where Ms. Lin honored Carol Worthey with a double World Premiere of her solo piano works "Fantasia" and "Pastorale" in a concert also featuring Rachmaninoff, Handel, John Adams, Jeremiah Bornfield and several other contemporary composers. To the side are some photos from Helen Lin's China Tour.

     Following the double World Premiere, Helen played encore performances of both "Fantasia" and "Pastorale" on her multi-city tour.

     To the side are some photos from Helen Lin's China Tour.

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Worthey: 'Western Romance Suite' Score Cover
Worthey: 'Western Romance Suite - Big Sky Montana'
Worthey: 'Western Romance Suite - Head Over Heels'
Worthey: 'Western Romance Suite - Sawdust Saloon'
Worthey: 'Western Romance Suite - Cowpoke Serenade'
Worthey: 'Western Romance Suite - Tipsy Sidekick'
Worthey: 'Western Romance Suite - Lonesome Pines'
Worthey: 'Western Romance Suite - Varmints'

Seven New Works Sizzle
Hot off the Press during the Merry Month of May


      Carol Worthey has been busy! During this one month, seven new works have flowed from her avid imagination, accompanied by visual works to grace their covers.

     These new works are collected into a fun set of recital pieces for intermediate pianists — "Western Romance Suite" includes such evocative titles as "Big Sky Montana", "Sawdust Saloon", "Cowpoke Serenade" and "Tipsy Sidekick." Carol has this to say about what inspired her to put together this playful collection:

     "There is something timeless and appealing about the 'West that Maybe Was', even if it never was really like that. Something innocent, fresh, sure of its destiny in a world now fraught with confusing values and nameless crowds. It's a time and place of broad open spaces, obvious villains, cowboys who have a sense of honor (and a laid-back sense of humor), wear broad hats, boots and a streak of independence. To a child growing up in the crowded cities of urban New England, glued to TV sets watching the likes of 'The Lone Ranger', 'Hopalong Cassidy', 'Roy Rogers' and 'Zorro', there was the whiff of freedom in the sagebrush that was heady and headstrong and totally magical! The lure and the lore of the Old West, the Wild West, the 'West that Maybe Was', is lodged in the hearts of people everywhere who long for panoramic skies and swift gunfights, for funny sidekicks and a chance at being honorable and courageous right at the moment when it counts. 'Romance' doesn't just have to mean 'love', it can mean adventure, something that transcends the ordinary, that has dash and purpose and a rambunctious sense of daring-do. Because I know what it feels like to be scared or bored when preparing for a Piano Recital, I've put together these musical 'stories' about characters, locales, and situations that kids of all ages find appealing and fans of the Old West just can't get enough of — that way the audience would enjoy the Recitals too!"

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Helen Lin, Piano
Worthey: 'Fantasia' for Solo Piano
Helen Lin, Piano
Worthey: 'Pastorale' for Solo Piano

Double-Premieres –

"Fantasia" and "Pastorale"
by Pianist Helen Lin
in Beijing, China

     Beautiful Concert Pianist Helen Lin — who is based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania but fast developing a world-wide reputation for passionate and sensitive artistry — presented two long-awaited World Premieres of Carol Worthey's piano pieces, "Fantasia" and "Pastorale" at the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music in China on May 7, 2012!

     What a doubly exciting roster of composers who joined Carol Worthey on this program: Rachmaninoff, Handel and distinguished contemporary composers John Adams, Jeremiah Bornfield (whom Carol met in New York City two years ago), Tristan Murail, and Benoit Granier, Music Director at this prestigious conservatory! Great company!!!

     The concert poster is outstanding, a graphics masterpiece in Carol's estimation. You can see it on this page (click to enlarge) — if you look closely you will see the names of the composers featured.

     Also to the side, you will find a gorgeous portrait of this exciting Artist, Helen Lin.

     The program for this delightful concert, which included works by Handel and Rachmaninoff, was as follows:

John Adams "Phrygian Gates" (Beijing Premiere)
Jeremiah Bornfield "Trillium" (China Premiere)
Tristan Murail "Territoires de L'oubli" (China Premiere)
Carol Worthey "Fantasia" and "Pastorale" (World Premiere)
Benoit Granier "Prothoplastus Unus" (World Premiere)

     Aside from the first (world) premiere in Beijing, Helen Lin also performed "Fantasia" and "Pastorale" at the major universities and top music conservatories in China on a tour – in Jinan, Taian, Weifang, Zibo, and Zhaoqing.

     This concert was recorded. Be on the lookout for us to post the recording as soon as it is received.
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Worthey: 'Pavane Gitana'

Gypsy Magic Born


     Beginning this month, Carol completed a major work for Solo Piano "Pavane Gitana" which she also adapted into a passionate Violin/Cello Duet. The Solo Piano piece is set to be World-Premiered in Milan, Italy by distinguished Concert Pianist David Witten (See Upcoming Events.)

     This is how these works came into being:

     "The birth of 'Pavane Gitana' was an especially intense experience. It is amazing how much love we share with our pets and what can emerge from the loss of one. 'Pavane Gitana' began after the death of my beloved Sophie, an Autralian Shepherd mix with brown eyes as deep as pools, so smart and intuitive that I found myself telling my 'furry friend' imaginative bedtime stories every night. Sophie would nod her head as the stories progressed and wait until the very end to smile and wag her tail. The night Sophie died, I walked to the piano as if transfixed: sorrow had to be expressed or it would dam up inside. Out poured the main theme, accompanied by tears and beautiful memories. I knew the theme was rich with emotion but left it as a penciled-out fragment stashed in between other sketches. Many years later, I found the paper and knew I had to take the poignant theme to completion. Adding ornamentations, rich harmonies and surprising twists, I experienced — during the journey of composing this — the mysterious and profound process of regeneration whereby sorrow becomes elevated into tenderness and passion."

Visit: David Witten
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Brian Walsh / Mary Au

Bass Clarinet World-Premiere — No Kazoos Allowed!


     The song Carol Worthey dreamed in her sleep (words, tune, chords and all) "A Simple Ditty" has been traveling rapidly from instrument to instrument and is picking up speed as a bit of a "hit"! So much so that the composer finally had to put her foot down and specify that the song would NOT be done with Kazoo! Accordingly, on Tuesday April 17th, 2012 at Los Angeles City College, Pianist Mary Au accompanied Clarinetist Brian Walsh playing the Bass Clarinet in the World-Premiere of the Bass-Clarinet Version.

     The concert attracted a full house of attentive music students. They enjoyed two movements of Franz Anton Hoffmeister 's Clarinet Sonata (May 12, 1754 — February 9, 1812, mostly known as a music publisher.) The work was charming in a congenial Classical Era style and featured Clarinet in A. After that Brian and Mary made everyone extremely hungry (for more) playing a charming ten-movement work inspired by a ten-course Chinese Wedding Feast. The wailing duck, protesting its demise in sauce, and the slippery shrimp were portrayed ably by Brian, playing 3 different sizes of clarinets out of the four sizes there, "normal" Bb clarinet, smaller and higher "sopranino" clarinet and the big boy, Bass Clarinet — the piece by amiable friend and distinguished composer Deon Nielsen Price , also featured variations on a pretty Chinese folk song that Mary Au played for the audience, asking them to see if they could recognize its appearance during the "ten courses." After that, Brian performed a luscious (that word seems to fit) clarinet work "Fantasia" by renowned composer and friend, Adrienne Albert — the harmonic and melodic exuberance of this lilting work made Carol Worthey want to dance. A very beautiful work. At this point, Mary Au asked Carol Worthey to address the audience and give a bit of insight into the origin of "A Simple Ditty". Carol intoned the lyrics and the crowd broke into a rousing ovation when she said, "And here's the message I really want you to get — 'Dream your dreams so wide, they're too big to hide!' "

     Although the composer had a tiny wonderment about how the bass clarinet would carry off the tune (would it be too low, too ponderous, to 'dark' in mood?), she was quite delighted and surprised at how melodious and in-the-spirit-of-the-song Brian Walsh was able to make the Bass Clarinet sound, whilst Mary Au (who has been the Svengali behind all the many different instruments playing it, as she loves the work) played the piano part with sweet sonority, relishing every note including the fast runs. After the concert, quite a few students gathered around the instrumentalists and Carol, asking questions and imparting the passion they felt about their music goals! Sometimes the future of classical music looks a bit dreary, but that is not the "Real Scene." The composer can vouch for new generations of musicians on their way — Thank goodness!

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Stanley Wong, Piano
Hong Kong City Hall
Concert Poster

'The River' flows Straight into Hong Kong City Hall!


     On April 7th 2012, gifted concert pianist Stanley Wong performed to a sold-out audience who packed the recital hall at Hong Kong City Hall. The Asian Premiere of Carol Worthey 's evocative piece "The River" was one of the highlights of the concert and per Stanley's report deeply moved the audience.

     His touch and phrasing greatly pleases Carol. After hearing the recording of his performance, she remarked, "He seems to understand my music at its heart. I really like his phrasing and 'singing tone.' The Bosendorfer in the auditorium also offered a rich resonance to the work." The composer also pointed out, "While this piece mimics the flow of an actual river winding its way through different terrains and vistas, it really is a musical depiction of the symbolic, iconic River of Life. That was my intention and so I aimed for an evocative spirituality as well as color and flow." Carol herself performed the very first public performance of "The River" in 2010 with 385,000 listeners around the world tuning in to her live performance on Classical Music Discoveries internet radio.

Featured Composers 精選作曲家:

David Del Tredici
Judith Lang Zaimont
Carol Worthey

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Faces of Eve Concert Poster

Filling the world with song:
"A Simple Ditty" World-Premiered in Manhattan!


     On March 24th, 2012 at "Faces of Eve" recital amidst the brownstone charms of "The Village" in Manhattan, Soprano Arietha Lockhart gave the very first performance of this popular work as a song. Prior to this moment, "A Simple Ditty" had quickly made the rounds with a remarkable assortment of instruments, flute, double bass, baritone saxophone (each with piano accompaniment), and even a solo piano version that the composer put together on demand. This song was becoming a bit of a popular hit without any of its sweet lyrics (in praise of the power of song to unite people everywhere) being heard. And so Carol Worthey was especially happy that it was at last coming to the world in its original "incarnation". Accompanied by Pianist Mary Au , (who has been an Enthusiast behind the song from its very beginning), Arietha lent her radiant voice and expression to the premiere. For this special occasion, Carol create additional counter-melodies for Horn and Flute, enhancing the chamber music feel of the piece. Hornist Lydia Busler-Blais and Sheryl Cohen on Flute played with feeling. The audience felt the "good feelings" inherent in the song and came up to tell the performers how much they had enjoyed "A Simple Ditty" after the concert was over. Carol was proud to join a group of remarkable women composers represented at the recital, including Pulitzer-Prize Winner Jennifer Higdon , Carol's personal friends whom she admires greatly both as composers and as people, namely Adrienne Albert , Deon Nielsen Price , Sharon Farber and Lydia Busler-Blais , as well as distinguished composers Chen Yi , Mary Badarak , Winifred Hyson , Mary Boyle and Rebecca Oswald . In the works, an exciting plan to have Children's Choirs from a variety of countries around the world perform "A Simple Ditty". Carol has already translated the lyrics into French and Spanish and plans are afoot to create Mandarin lyrics and other translations. The most enterprising and beautiful idea is to have the song sung "simultaneously" in a sense in the new sensation "multi-tracking." Then indeed, "A Simple Ditty" would truly "fill the world with song!"

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Xika Huang
Edward Trybek / Xika Huang
Xika Huang
Xika Huang / Carol Worthey

Xika Huang Graduation Recital

     Ever since Carol Worthey first heard Chinese violinist Xika Huang at a music competition, Carol has believed in this vibrant virtuoso. Xika is part tomboy, part glam-princess and she is well on her way to a brilliant international career.

     Xika has been here in Los Angeles studying at the Colburn School of Performing Arts across from Disney Hall, and her Graduation Recital in March 2012 was full testament that this artist has matured and is ready to go out and conquer the challenges of a major solo career. Carol and her husband Ray Korns were thrilled to see her prove that her technical facility is balanced by keen musicality and an intense emotional immediacy she cannot help but impart to every piece she plays. During the first half of her program, beginning with the Bach solo violin sonata, Xika entered like a young diva, wearing a curvaceous golden gown. After a brief intermission, the gamin star showed her other mischievous side, sporting an attractive vest, tie and trousers to perform a blazing and mercurial Piazzola piece! Xika can cover all the bases. She's ready!

     Carol is particularly honored that Xika Huang will perform the West Coast Premiere of "Romanza" for Violin & Piano in the near future. Watch for details about this exciting premiere and Xika's concert schedule. She is AMAZING!!!

The Colburn School of Performing Arts  
Visit: Xika Huang.
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VIDEOS: On International Woman's Day premieres in Alicante, Spain!


     Here are the World Premiere and European Premiere performances given on March 8th, 2012 when Carol Worthey 's music came to Spain for the first time. The delightful piano duo QuaTTro, Daniel Curichagua and Victoria Marco , featured the World-Premiere of "Valentine Sampler" for Four-Hand Piano and Violínist Miguel García Sala joined Victoria Marco to give the European premiere of Carol's passionate work "Romanza".

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Quattro Duo
Victoria Marco / Daniel Curichagua
Victoria Marco / Daniel Curichagua

On International Woman's Day Carol's Music at Last Arrives in Spain!


     A World Premiere and a European Premiere were given on March 8th, 2012 when Carol Worthey 's music came to Spain for the first time. The delightful piano duo QuaTTro, Daniel Curichagua and Victoria Marco , featured the World-Premiere of "Valentine Sampler" for Four-Hand Piano in a concert rich with compositions by some of the most renowned women composers of the past, Amy Beach , Cecile Chaminade , Lili Boulanger , Mozart contemporary Maria Thereisa von Paradis , and famous composition teacher Nadia Boulanger with Carol Worthey 's music holding up the responsibility of representing the many fine women composers alive today. An appropriate tribute to talented women world-wide since the concert took place on March 8th, International Woman's Day.

     QuaTTro performed "Valentine Sampler" , receiving a rousing response from the audience, per Victoria Marco 's glowing report. Violínist Miguel García Sala joined Victoria Marco to give the European premiere of Carol's passionate work "Romanza", which received an ovation from all reports. The concert was video'd and recorded and the DVD is soon going to be posted here on this site and on facebook and Youtube. One of the great joys of this new connection to colorful Spain was the enthusiasm of the performers for Carol's music! And then imagine the beauty and history of this spectacular Spanish city: Alicante, Spain resembles Florence in its beauty with the addition of the sunshine and clear waters of the Mediterranean coastline.

     Here in Spanish is the Concert Location and Concert Program, complete with program notes on "Valentine Sampler" in both English and Spanish:

Concierto de mujeres compositoras
Thursday, March 8, 2012 Concert
Salón de Actos del Conservatorio Profesional de Música "Guitarrista José Tomás" de Alicante
San Fernando, 30, Alicante, Spain

6 Piezas románticas Op.55Cécile Chaminade (1847-1954)
 Printemps - La chaise à porteurs - Idylle arabe - Rigaudon - DanseHindoue - Serenade d´automne
Piano: Gloria Revert y Belén Domenech
SicilienneMaria Theresia von Paradis (1759-1824)
Nocturno para violoncello y pianoLili Boulanger (1893-1918)
 Violoncello: Rosa Vidal
Piano: Gloria Revert
*Romanza para violín y pianoCarol Worthey (1943- )
Romance para violín y pianoAmy Beach (1867-1944)
 Violín: Miguel García Sala
Piano: Victoria Marco
Parte II
Piezas para violoncello y pianoNadia Boulanger (1887-1979)
 1. Modéré
2. Sans vitesse et à l’aise
Violoncello: Rosa Vidal
Piano: Victoria Marco
**Valentine Sampler para piano a 4 manosCarol Worthey (1943- )
 Piano: Daniel Curichagua
Piano: Victoria Marco
Concertino para flauta y piano Op.107Cécile Chaminade (1847-1954)
 Flauta: Montserrat López
Piano: Gloria Revert
*Estreno en Europa
**Estreno absoluto
"Valentine Sampler" for 4-hand piano

Composer Carol Worthey is thrilled to have the World Premiere of "Valentine Sampler" performed by QuaTTro Piano Duo, Daniel Curichagua and Victoria Marco. This is Carol's first performance ever in the great nation of Spain and the beautiful city of Alicante!

On their first date, Carol Worthey and Ray Korns played four-hand piano together (a piano transcription of Beethoven's Sixth "Pastoral" Symphony) and they fell in love. Years later, Carol decided to create a special four-hand piece for her husband as a Valentine's Day gift. But year after year she found herself unable to finish the piece, until one morning she woke up realizing, "No wonder I can't complete the piano work, it's really a PLAY!" That morning Carol wrote eight scenes of what became a semiautobiographical stage-play with bittersweet elements of comedy and tragedy. The music begins in a nostalgic mood , darkens with hints of conflict, transforms into a waltz to suggest the coming of romance and ends with sweet nostalgia. The play uses a set that looks like a giant book and the main character turns the "pages of her life” as each scene changes. And so, from time to time in the music, you will hear passages that Carol calls "musical kaleidoscopes" because they open up like images in a kaleidoscope or pages being turned. See if you can listen for these "musical kaleidoscopes." But what does the word "Sampler" in the title mean? A "sampler" is a framed piece of embroidery with wise or clever sayings. Carol's play opens with the words of a sampler her own mother sewed as a child, "How sweetly sad are the echoes that start/When memory plays an old tune on the heart." May "Valentine Sampler" bring you beautiful memories and the promise of love!
"Valentine Sampler" para piano a 4 manos

En su primera cita, Carol Worthey y Ray Korns tocaron juntos piano a 4 manos (una transcripción de la Sexta Sinfonía "Pastoral" de Beethoven) y se enamoraron. Años después, Carol decidió crear una pieza especial de piano a 4 manos para su marido, como regalo del Día de San Valentín. Pero año tras año, se vio incapaz de terminar la obra, hasta que una mañana se despertó dándose cuenta de que "No importa que no pueda acabar la pieza para piano, ¡realmente es una OBRA DE TEATRO!". Aquella mañana, Carol escribió ocho escenas de algo que se convertiría en una obra escénica semiautobiográfica con agridulces elementos de comedia y tragedia. La música comienza con un carácter nostálgico, se oscurece con insinuados conflictos, se transforma en un vals para sugerir el inicio de un romance y termina con una dulce nostalgia. La obra utiliza un escenario que se asemeja a un libro gigante y donde el personaje principal pasa las páginas de su vida en el momento en que cambia cada escena. Y, así, de vez en cuando en la música, se escucharán pasajes que Carol llama "caleidoscopios musicales", ya que se presentan como imágenes en un caleidoscopio o como páginas que son pasadas. La palabra "Sampler" en el título de la obra se refiere a una elaborada pieza bordada con dichos sabios o inteligentes. La obra escénica de Carol abre con las palabras de un dechado que su madre cosía cuando la primera era una niña: "Qué dulcemente tristes son los ecos que comienzan/Cuando la memoria toca una vieja melodía en el corazón".


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Carol Worthey at Inland Empire Valley Flute Society

Carol Captivates A Flute Society, but They Don't Mind Being "Captured"!


     On February 19th, 2012 Carol Worthey was invited to be Guest Speaker in Redlands, California at the Inland Empire Valley Flute Society. The illustrated talk, Carol's celebrated illumination of the art of composing and the importance of listening, "Turning Life into Art: How A Composer Works" (which is the basis of her upcoming book of the same title) was given to a rapt audience of flute players and pianists, at the gracious home of Flutist and Mentor Jackie Aronowitz . The talk, which lasted about an hour (including an animated Question & Answer period) led to four more hours of active performing and listening to Carol's various woodwind and flute works. Jackie sightread "Cadence for Olivia" beautifully. The event was followed by a great spread of food and much conviviality!

     Carol has been invited by the IEVFS to compose a work for flute choir (from piccolo to bass flute) to be world-premiered this coming Christmas at Disneyland!

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Jim Raycroft
Sharon Farber
Austin Wintory
Roger Treece / Carol Worthey

A Choral Taste of LA

     The new year doesn't really begin until Carol Worthey and her affable husband Ray Korns attend "A Choral Taste of LA", a reading session of choral works by some of Los Angeles' best composers, complete with catered lunch and the challenge of sight-reading works of all styles and levels of difficulty.

      "A Choral Taste of LA" was founded eleven years ago by Jim Raycroft , Bass Singer and Composer/Arranger. Jim modestly introduced his own works, but they were wonderful to sing and beautifully conceived.

     In the past Carol's music has been featured in two of those eleven years, and this year gifted Israeli-American Composer Sharon Farber was honored with the same return visit for a second time. As ever, her works resonated with emotion and excellent craft.

     Each composer brought his or her own flavor to the event. Charlotte Lansberg's hymns were inspiring, James Newton brought jazz-and-blues-infused works, Austin Wintory regaled us with works that will be performed by a talented visiting high school choir from Boulder, Colorado, all of whom showed up in force to augment the choir considerably and beautifully.

     Renowned composer Roger Treece , who has worked with Bobby McFerrin and other luminaries, entranced us with a rhythmic improvisation he got all of the singers to join in, based on a heartbeat gesture that really got the choir into a multi-ethnic sense of spirituality and fun.

     The challenging and delightful event ended with choral works pronouncing the importance of human rights by composer Sergio Barer .

   Visit: A Choral Taste of LA.
Visit: Jim Raycroft.    Visit: Roger Treece.
Visit: Sharon Farber.    Visit: Austin Wintory.
Visit: James Newton.    Visit: Sergio Barer.
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Happy New Year!

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!

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